Monday, January 30, 2012

Learned Behavior

Today's slapping is dedicated to people who curse like vagrant pirate sailor hookers in front of their kids and wonder why "they gotta act like that" when the kid displays the same behavior.

As a regular commuter on public transit, I get to see this fine parenting skill live in action, twice a day. Parents throw their kid down on the seat, start talking at a volume that would be loud for a rock stadium, about their deadbeat Dad/Boyfriend/Husband who is slackin on the child support and those F bombs start FLYING.

Let me just say that I am no prude when it comes to swearing. I like a good curse word just as much as the next person. But, "fuck" should not be the noun, verb, pronoun, adverb AND adjective of your sentance. Plus, your kids are pretty much a mini-you. That old commercial, "I learned it by watching YOU", about sums it up.

Also, at 7:45 in the morning, on my way to another hellish day at the office, I'd like to listen to my music thankyouverymuch. Bitchslappage all around.

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