Thursday, February 9, 2012

Today's slap goes to...

...People who hate themselves so much they will use any substance, no matter how bizarre or toxic, to escape from... themselves.

Have you heard of people using "bath salts" to get high? No? I hadn't either until a potential patient of mine was flagged for "bath salt abuse." Now I'm not talking about actual bath salts (the kind you use for, you know, a bath). No, the bath salts I'm talking about are these synthetic stimulants that people can buy on line or in a shady store near you. In many states, buying these substances is 100% legal. They might get you high, but they might also make you violent, psychotic, or very very sick.

Doesn't anyone just drink anymore? Sheesh. You're freaking me out people. Quit the synthetic marijuana, the paint thinner, the aerosol cans... Is life really THAT BAD?

Slapping you all.

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